who i am

The designer behind the wedding

I started my journey in 2008, when the passion for designing my own clothes, my intuition to feel fabrics, the childhood joy for painting, and geometry, all crowned as a great gift from God, were all set like a puzzle. The seeds of my childhood dreams, my faith in God’s plan, painting and sewing clothes for dolls began to sprout.

At the age of 23, without any capital, with no suitable location for a sewing atelier, in my bedroom apartment, I started to create clothes. My best friend, my help, my unique “colleague” for 2 and a half years was a household sewing machine, bought in 6 bank installments. During that time, I was often working by late night, on low speed, so the sewing machine sound would not bother my neighbors.

my passion

Feels like a barefoot walk on a grassy carpet

Years followed, my personal life was dedicated only to this passion. Day and night. It was not easy at all: hours of work by morning with sunrise in my window, pattern experiments, time management situations, fabrics purchases, home delivery dresses, even fittings at the client’s office. I was all in one: designer, tailor, modeler, seamstress, client advisor.

Looking back, now, at 37, that period was hard, but that was the most important lesson for becoming a professional now, in my field of work, together with my team. Knowing all my team operations, empathize with my employers, finding solutions, make our best we can. I remember doing 3 or 4 fittings for an item, I had insomnia every night, finding solution for every dress, leaving from my “atelier”. And what energy pill I was receiving after a happy embrace of a client? Was my battery to continue!

Now our client is visiting us, only once, for any custom dress we have in our collection. My body was tired, very tired, but I remember my mind and heart sooo fresh, like a barefoot walk on a grassy carpet with dew in the morning. And this is not a metaphor phrase, is the feeling I have felt those times. Later, at 32, when my daughter came on this world, I felt the same. I consider my self a person blessed by God with invaluable gifts, like this kind state of mind, soul and body.

What i love to do

My Collections





what my clients say

Toate sunt superbe!! Am în dressing o cutie unde îmi păstrez lucrurile de suflet (începând cu voalul de la nuntă, desene și cadouri de la fiul meu). Azi am pus și scrisoare ta. Este... de suflet. Mulțumesc pentru tot.

Nu cred ca va crede nimeni ca am facut rochia asta fara proba, sau poate a fost facuta de vreun magician!

Olga, Netherlands

Nicole, îți mulțumesc încă o dată pentru rochie! M-am simțit minunat în ea, nici nu visam că o să am o rochie de mireasă cu spatele gol. Ai lucrat-o foarte frumos, delicat, a fost exact ce mi-am dorit. A primit multe complimente. Mulțumesc din inimă!

Adriana Stanca

Nu am cuvinte sa iti multumesc pt rochia mea minunata. Ai facut o treaba absolut perfecta. Am radiat de fericire. A fost cea mai buna zi din viata mea si nu exagerez! Toata lumea s-a minunat de rochie, au zis ca e deosebita si ca nu au mai vazut asa model. A fost memorabil.... m-am simtit perfecta iar rochia a facut totul! Multumesc, draga mea!

Iulia Botoi

A ajuns aseara rochia. Nu am cuvinte sa iti spun cat este de frumoasa, de bine lucrata. Imi venea sa dorm in ea.

Olga Iancu

Te felicit pentru dăruire, talent și modestie! Sa rămâi același om dedicat, sincer și frumos cum te am cunoscut când mi-ai creat rochia de mireasa in anul 2014. Felicitări încă o data pentru ceea ce faci, sunt divine rochiile!

Luciana Manu

Am avut cea mai frumoasa rochita de mireasa! Eu nu m-am gandit niciodata ca o sa gasesc una care sa imi placa asa de mult si mai ales sa mi vina si bine la 27 de saptamani. Mai mult, toata lumea a apreciat-o si o parte din prietenele mele au si recunoscut modelul din colectia ta! Mult succes in continuare!

Andreea Cigaran

Mersi mult, m-am simtit minunat in ea! A stat ca o manusa si toata lumea a admirat-o! Le-am spus tuturor ca e lucrarea ta. Iti multumesc! M-am simtit minunat in creatia ta!

Francisca Dinga

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